Roasted Turbot with Beer Sauce


Roasted Turbot with Beer Sauce-
  1. Choose a beer which you like. If possible, take one that works well with heat and that is not so bitter.
  2. Cut half of the onions into small dice, the other half into round slices.
  3. Reduce the dice in the beer. Put the round slices into flour and fry them afterwards in very hot oil.
  4. Cut the turbot into pieces and cook it. As alternative, you can also use turbot or haddock fillets.
  5. Prepare the spinach. Melt some butter in a hot saucepan. Quickly put the spinach inside and a moment later back out.
  6. Take the onions, which have been reduced in the beer, and cook them very slowly (without boiling) with some butter. Thus, instead of having the usual white wine sauce, you obtain a superb beer sauce accompanying your fishâ?¦
  7. Place the turbot on the serving dish, accompanied with spinach. Put the sauce in a gravy bowl aside. Enjoy!
