Foie gras escalope prepared in a pan with green apple chutney


Foie gras escalope prepared in a pan with green apple chutney-
  1. Prepare a caramel with 3.5 oz. sugar. Deice with vinegar and red wine. Add the apples, peeled and cut in cubes. Then, add the grapes, four season mix as well as cinnamon powder.
  2. Let it on a small flame, covered, until the liquid is completely evaporated. Keep the chutney for the continuation of this recipe.

Sauce preparation:
  1. Prepare a dry caramel with 1.76 oz. sugar. Deice it with 0.42 cups verjus. Bring it to boil. Add the meat gravy and season it. Cook this sauce until obtaining a syrup-like juice. Store the sauce warm in the bain-marie.
Dish presentation:
  1. First season the foie gras escalopes in an anti-adhesive plate. Then, sear each side. Drain them on absorbing paper.
  2. Put a scoop of chutney on a serving dish, on which you present the foie gras escalope. Cover the escalope with some sauce and season with a pinch of fleur de sel (high-quality sea salt).
