Curd with chive and bread crust with bacon
Curd with chive and bread crust with bacon-Curd preparation:
- Mix the curd with double cream. Season with salt and pepper and fill the 4 round forms.
- Season the 4 dandelions with some vinaigrette. Pour the remaining vinaigrette over the chive and put is on the curd forms.
- Store it cold.
Preparation of the bacon bread crust:
- Butter a cake form and, using a brush, spread the liquid leaven over a dimension of 4.7- 1.6 in.
- Mince the bacon slice and spread them, diagonally, on the bread crusts.
- Cook in the oven at 428 degrees F, like for sugared biscuit.
Preparation of the onion compote:
- Sweat the hacked onions in butter with salt and pepper. Deice with red wine vinegar and water.
- Let it very gently cook on the flame, until the onions turn into a compote.
Reduction preparation:
- Boil down the port wine and red wine until obtaining a syrup-like consistency.
Ending and presentation:
- Place a small curd with chive in a concave dish.
- Remove the circle.
- Put a nice scoop of onion compote and a dandelion at the side.
- Sting a bread crust in the curd and pour some drops of the reduction around it.