Accompaniment cooking Recipes : Ravioli with Cepe Mushrooms from the Perigord region


Accompaniment cooking Recipes : Ravioli with Cepe Mushrooms from the Perigord region-

Ravioli preparation:
  1. Mince the garlic and the parsley.
  2. Cut the cepe mushrooms en brunoise, meaning: into small cubes of 0.1 inches each. Take a frying pan and boil down the cepe mushrooms in the duck grease until they are nicely blond, uniform.
  3. To season, add the minced garlic and parsley. Stir everything well and put it in a cool place.
  4. Spread out the ravioli dough, thin, and cut 6 squares of 4 x 4 inches.
  5. Prepare an icing with a beaten egg (with a fork), lightly salted.
  6. Take 3 squares of the ravioli dough. In the centre of each you dispose the cepe mushroom hash. Paintbrush it with the icing and place the 3 other squares on top of it. Finally, seal strongly the edges.
  7. With a round punch you can perfect the ravioli, cutting of the corners. Store it in a cool place.
Perigueux Sauce preparation:
  1. Boil down half of the port-wine and cognac in a saucepan.
  2. Add the (fond de canard) and let it cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Add the chopped truffles and their gravy, if there is any. Cook the cepe mushrooms 3 to 4 minutes in salted, boiling water, with a little drop of oil.
  4. Drain it on a piece of linen, and then place it on the dish. Cover it with the Sauce Périgueux. Ready!
