Frozen cream with honey of lavender in his/her/its hive
Heat the honey of lavender to make melt it rightly. Bring up the yellows quickly fast to the beater, pour the honey and whip, until suit cooling. Pour the boiling milk and let cool. Incorporate the cream-colored small flower, work and reserve to the big cold weather. Infuse 2,5 g of lavender in the syrup to 30 degrees, during 3 min., pass then to Chinese and let cool. On a plate, raise the device to cigarette, sprinkle flowers of lavender and color at the oven to 180 degrees. Since the exit of the oven, cut some strips and roll them press some. Measure out 1 cylinder of dough to cigarette on a disk of Joconde cookie cut to the fluted punch. Decorate the cylinder with the frozen cream. Pour the syrup on a plate, raise the installation and put a cone of sugar thread over. Decorate cocoa.