Roe Deer Medallions with a Green Pepper Sauce
Roe Deer Medallions with a Green Pepper Sauce: Please note that you can begin the recipe preparation 2-3 days in advance.Take the roe deer back fillets. Remove the back tendons. They will be used for the sauce later on. Cut the meat into medallions. Finally, cook it a mix of milk and creme fraiche (same proportions each), until it is very, very tender. Put the whole in a mixer and add some butter to this puree. Salt and pepper. At the end of the cooking, add salt and chervil. Place a cepe mushroom head on top of each medallion. Sprinkle with bread crumps and put it in the oven at 302 degrees F for 6-7 minutes. Place the red cabbage, then the chanterelles and the celery puree on a serving dish. Withdraw the medallions from the oven and put them on the serving dish. Add the broccoli pieces, the sauted carrots, and, to finish, pour the sauce over it.