Roasted Apples with Green Apple Sauce and Cinnamon Ice-cream
Roasted Apples with Green Apple Sauce and Cinnamon Ice-cream- - Boil the milk with the cinnamon.
- Pour the egg yolk in a bowl. Add 125 g sugar. Beat until the egg yolk turn whitish.
- Add the boiling milk.
- Put the whole into a saucepan and cook without boiling. Stir regularly with a wooden spatula, until the cream starts to stick to the spatula. The result is the so-called English cream.
- Put the English cream into the Chinese, to remove the cinnamon. Then, place it in the ice-cream freezer. Turbinez, puis placez la glace au conservateur a glace.
Green apple sauce preparation:
- Cut two green apples (Granny Smith) in quarters and remove the seeds. Cook them to a compote. Put them in a cutting machine. Strain. Store it cold.
- Put the remaining apples in a centrifuge to recover their juice, which you mix then with the compote.
- Store the whole in the cold.
- If the sauce should be more acidulous, add some lemon juice.
Cooking the red apples:
- Peel the apples. Empty them and cut into quarters.
- Saute in a pan with some butter and sugar.
- Pour the green apple sauce over the serving dish and put the sauteed apple quarters on it. Lay a nice scoop of ice-cream on the apples.